Statistics Norway

41   Energy consumption1 by type of energy. 1965-2004. Million tonnes oil equivalents
  Coal consumption
  World Total North America South and central America OECD Europe/European Union2 Former Soviet Union Middle East Africa Asia and Pacific
1965 1 492.8  313.8 4.8  760.0  522.8  328.2 0.2 37.1  285.9
1966 1 518.4  329.5 4.6  755.3  500.2  341.5 0.2 36.9  305.5
1967 1 457.0  324.2 5.0  743.1  485.1  345.5 0.3 37.5  259.4
1968 1 522.0  338.2 5.1  763.5  493.0  340.5 0.3 39.6  305.3
1969 1 550.7  343.9 5.4  774.9  501.2  335.5 0.3 40.1  324.3
1970 1 569.3  347.5 5.1  768.9  497.9  331.5 0.3 41.2  345.8
1971 1 559.5  333.7 5.1  723.0  478.6  339.1 0.4 44.2  358.4
1972 1 558.0  333.3 5.8  698.9  458.1  355.1 0.6 42.3  362.8
1973 1 585.8  341.5 5.9  717.6  461.0  355.3 0.7 38.5  382.9
1974 1 602.4  334.3 6.7  707.6  457.8  355.5 0.8 40.3  407.0
1975 1 627.8  334.1 7.5  692.2  452.7  367.8 0.7 43.1  421.9
1976 1 696.1  359.4 7.9  728.8  472.0  375.7 0.6 46.5  434.0
1977 1 741.3  373.7 8.9  743.2  476.1  382.7 0.6 47.1  452.2
1978 1 763.5  365.6 9.7  729.7  479.6  386.9 0.6 52.6  468.5
1979 1 856.9  396.5 10.4  779.0  494.9  384.5 0.6 57.7  512.3
1980 1 839.5  410.6 11.0  806.1  507.1  337.3 0.6 59.2  513.7
1981 1 839.3  422.7 11.2  822.3  493.6  326.6 0.5 63.0  521.7
1982 1 878.3  412.9 11.4  814.7  502.5  332.4 1.1 76.8  541.2
1983 1 924.6  428.5 11.9  829.7  502.1  328.1 1.6 73.9  578.5
1984 2 002.1  465.3 13.6  869.3  496.8  322.6 2.5 73.7  627.6
1985 2 083.3  472.9 15.2  901.0  518.5  322.6 2.7 74.0  677.4
1986 2 124.5  471.0 15.7  902.2  527.6  330.2 2.9 74.4  702.7
1987 2 197.4  490.5 16.0 1 106.3  535.9  335.6 3.1 75.6  740.7
1988 2 243.7  508.6 16.4 1 119.2  528.8  327.0 3.0 81.1  778.8
1989 2 271.5  507.9 17.5 1 116.1  525.8  312.6 3.2 76.7  827.8
1990 2 244.1  509.2 17.2 1 087.6  484.0  308.0 3.4 79.5  842.8
1991 2 189.4  501.8 17.9 1 061.5  458.4  277.7 3.6 77.3  852.7
1992 2 178.8  512.4 17.4 1 043.5  429.9  265.5 4.3 74.7  874.6
1993 2 170.9  525.9 17.8 1 034.1  403.7  238.7 4.8 77.9  902.1
1994 2 186.1  531.9 18.3 1 037.9  391.3  211.5 5.1 81.5  946.5
1995 2 217.8  534.7 18.7 1 044.2  387.3  192.6 5.5 85.3  993.7
1996 2 297.7  559.1 19.7 1 075.4  385.1  178.7 6.2 89.6 1 059.3
1997 2 285.4  573.0 20.8 1 084.0  373.3  175.2 6.3 92.2 1 044.6
1998 2 243.2  577.7 20.6 1 083.8  367.3  166.6 6.8 91.1 1 013.1
1999 2 159.9  580.2 20.1 1 070.2  341.8  170.7 6.7 90.1  950.3
2000 2 216.8  600.9 20.7 1 113.9  347.9  174.6 7.3 89.5  975.9
2001 2 243.1  583.0 19.5 1 105.8  344.1  180.4 8.0 89.2 1 020.1
2002 2 412.3  597.7 17.5 1 123.3  346.0  167.1 8.4 91.9 1 183.7
2003 2 613.5  601.7 18.4 1 149.5  310.8  175.6 9.0 97.3 1 346.6
2004 2 778.2  603.8 18.7 1 163.2  307.0  175.0 9.1  102.8 1 506.6
1  Apparent consumption of primary commercial energy, exclusiv wood, peat and animal waste.
2  EU figures from 2003.
Source: BP Amoco statistical review of world energy.
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