Statistics Norway

43   Energy consumption1 by type of energy. 1965-2004. Million tonnes oil equivalents
  Nuclear energy consumption
  World Total North America South and central America OECD Europe/European Union2 Former Soviet Union Middle East Africa Asia and Pacific
1965 6.0 0.9 0.0 5.6 4.7 0.4 - - 0.0
1966 7.9 1.2 0.0 7.5 6.1 0.4 - - 0.2
1967 9.7 1.7 0.0 9.1 7.3 0.5 - - 0.2
1968 11.8 2.9 0.0 11.0 8.0 0.7 - - 0.3
1969 13.9 3.2 0.0 12.9 9.5 0.8 - - 0.4
1970 17.2 4.9 0.0 15.9 10.0 1.0 - - 1.3
1971 24.5 9.5 0.0 22.8 11.7 1.2 - - 2.1
1972 33.2 14.7 0.0 30.4 14.2 2.2 - - 2.1
1973 44.5 23.0 0.0 40.0 15.9 3.2 - - 2.4
1974 58.3 30.7 0.3 51.7 18.1 4.8 - - 4.4
1975 79.7 43.9 0.5 71.3 23.8 6.4 - - 5.1
1976 94.7 49.4 0.5 83.1 27.9 8.5 - - 8.4
1977  115.9 64.7 0.3  101.6 33.0 11.5 - - 6.4
1978  135.5 73.0 0.6  119.0 37.4 11.7 - - 12.7
1979  139.3 67.7 0.6  119.3 42.0 13.4 - - 15.5
1980  154.8 67.5 0.5  130.3 49.6 16.6 - - 20.6
1981  183.0 73.4 0.6  154.7 67.3 19.5 - - 22.1
1982  201.2 75.9 0.4  168.4 74.8 22.5 - - 27.6
1983  224.1 79.6 0.8  184.6 88.2 24.9 - - 30.6
1984  272.0 88.1 1.9  220.2  111.3 32.2 - 0.9 37.6
1985  320.4  103.3 2.2  259.7  132.3 37.5 - 1.2 43.9
1986  343.9  111.2 1.3  281.8  142.9 36.0 - 2.0 50.6
1987  389.0  124.6 1.7  328.3  158.9 42.3 - 1.5 59.9
1988  424.1  142.9 1.5  354.5  170.6 50.3 - 2.4 56.4
1989  436.2  142.9 1.6  368.3  180.0 49.5 - 2.6 59.7
1990  448.7  153.1 2.2  381.1  179.4 47.4 - 2.0 64.6
1991  474.9  166.1 2.1  409.1  187.0 48.1 - 2.2 69.4
1992  478.5  166.5 2.0  414.3  189.2 47.2 - 2.2 71.4
1993  495.3  167.8 1.9  431.0  197.8 46.9 - 1.7 79.2
1994  504.0  178.0 1.9  443.6  198.1 39.5 - 2.3 84.2
1995  526.1  184.4 2.2  462.2  202.5 41.3 - 2.7 93.0
1996  544.8  183.5 2.2  474.2  212.1 46.4 - 2.8 97.8
1997  541.2  170.9 2.5  469.8  215.0 45.7 - 3.0  104.1
1998  550.5  178.8 2.4  480.3  213.3 44.1 - 3.2  108.7
1999  571.4  192.4 2.5  498.8  217.1 46.1 - 3.1  110.2
2000  585.0  198.0 2.7  506.7  218.5 49.3 - 3.1  113.4
2001  601.0  202.6 5.1  519.1  225.0 51.2 - 2.6  114.6
2002  610.8  204.9 4.4  523.5  227.5 53.4 - 2.9  117.7
2003  598.2  201.2 4.7  505.0  220.8 56.0 - 3.0  104.8
2004  624.3  210.4 4.4  529.6  223.4 56.0 - 3.4  118.9
1  Apparent consumption of primary commercial energy, exclusiv wood, peat and animal waste.
2  EU figures from 2003.
Source: BP Amoco statistical review of world energy.
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