Statistics Norway

Oil and gas, international markets

4 Exports of Norwegian produced NGL. Quarterly. 2007-2011
  Quantity Value
  Total Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Total Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4
  1 000 tonnes NOK Million
2007 7 813 1 886 2 486 1 833 1 608 28 826 6 015 9 044 6 851 6 915
2008 4 932 1 397 1 192 1 329 1 014 21 595 6 603 5 616 6 287 3 090
2009 5 298 1 251 1 392 1 260 1 395 15 492 3 593 3 438 3 944 4 517
2010 4 760 1 373 1 148 1 227 1 012 19 484 5 617 4 598 4 803 4 466
20111   1 145         5 640      
1  Preliminary figures.
Source: Foreign Trade, Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols