Statistics Norway

Oil and gas, production and reserves

8 Net production of crude oil, saleable quantity, by field. 1 000 Sm3.
Year/month Tune Fram Grane Skrine Kvitebjørn Urd Gimle
2002 18 - - - - - -
2003 1 139  694  751 - - - -
2004  958 2 938 7 086  216  281 - -
2005  506 1 861 10 308  297 2 187  191  300
2006  287 1 663 12 614  271 2 837 2 045  256
2007  165 2 641 11 992  212  548  846  550
2008 99 3 278 10 037  199 1 448  510  611
2009  112 3 381 10 724  205 2 349  363  333
January - June 2009 42 1 747 5 074  100  771  112  162
January - June 2010 43 1 577 4 935 80 1 546  239 78
Jan 11  325  895 19 39 46 26
Feb. 7  284  777 15  170 42 30
March 9  321  892 19  174 23 41
April 9  247  977 20  171 0 40
May 5  288  947 18 94 0 11
June 1  281  586 9  124 0 13
Jan 8  246  901 15  267 37 24
Feb. 7  272  676 14  250 40 26
March 7  256  840 16  277 44 28
April 7  270  820 14  254 41  
May 8  266  881 12  233 37  
June 6  267  818 10  264 40  
Source: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
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