Statistics Norway

Oil and gas, production and reserves

32   Gross natural gas production by field. Million Sm3 o.e.
Year/month Vale Tune Sigyn Grane Fram Mikkel Skirne Kvitebjørn
2002 44 43 18 - -      
2003  118 3 204  911 13 97      
2004  133 3 816  864  207  617 1 931  698  572
January - September 2004 95 2 982  600  134  441 1 397  418 2
January - September 2005 42 2 276  664  236  530 1 585  991 3 135
Jan 12  365 82 9 40  171    
Feb. 12  281 67 14 41  151    
March 13  347 78 25 44  186 33  
April 13  353 70 22 49  138 70  
May 13  241 77 18 51  180 77  
June 8  359 80 8 53  175 64  
July 11  337 71 6 48  180 85  
Aug 5  361 31 12 60 80 31  
Sep 8  338 44 20 56  136 59 2
Okt 13  226 90 29 57  179 83  149
Nov 10  282 87 30 59  175 84  187
Des 14  326 87 14 60  180  113  235
Jan 13  302 82 26 62  176  121  277
Feb. 11  288 76 28 56  164  107  355
March 12  303 64 29 61  181  134  369
April 5  290 79 29 59  176  127  353
May 0  230 73 32 61  176  142  362
June 0  104 77 9 53  170 14  177
July 0  255 79 23 61  161  102  358
Aug 0  242 79 28 61  187  122  423
Sep 0  262 55 33 55  193  123  460
Source: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
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