Statistics Norway

Oil and gas, production and reserves

39   Net production of crude oil, saleable quantity by field. 1 000 tonnes.
Year/month Tune Fram Grane Skrine Kvitebjørn
2002 15 - -    
2003  945  537  705    
2004  796 2 595 6 649  177  248
January - September 2004  647 2 040 4 609  107 -
January - September 2005  330 1 272 7 046  190 1 356
Jan. 83  258  432    
Feb. 75  240  490    
March 82  249  581 8  
April 73  237  510 17  
May 57  223  449 19  
June 74  225  489 18  
July 70  186  368 22  
Aug 68  219  627 12  
Sep 64  204  663 11  
Okt 43  193  681 24 65
Nov 51  183  677 22 81
Des 56  179  683 25  102
Jan. 49  171  710 25  120
Feb. 46  147  696 22  148
March 45  153  841 26  157
April 43  141  841 25  152
May 33  141  846 27  154
June 15  130  409 3 75
July 31  136  905 18  156
Aug 34  133  888 24  191
Sep 33  121  909 20  203
Source: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
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