Statistics Norway

Oil and gas, production and reserves

45   Net production of natural gas, saleable quantity by field. Mill. Sm3 o.e.
Year/month Vale Balder Vigdis Mikkel Skrine Kvitebjørn
2003  119 32 38      
2004  132  194  190 1 651  657  558
January - September 2004 95  169  167 1 196  381 -
January - September 2005 41  183  132 1 350  935 3 019
Jan. 13 18 21  146 - -
Feb. 12 17 20  129 - -
March 14 17 22  159 27 -
April 13 26 26  120 58 -
May 13 25 31  157 65 -
June 8 25 16  149 60 -
July 11 25 20  153 85 -
Aug 5 16 9 69 30 -
Sep 8 0 2  115 58 -
Okt 13 0 9  153 91  147
Nov 11 1 13  149 73  184
Des 13 25 0  153  112  227
Jan. 13 22 4  150  119  269
Feb. 11 22 12  139  106  343
March 12 26 20  155  132  355
April 5 24 14  150  125  340
May 0 18 13  151  140  349
June 0 17 13  142 14  169
July 0 21 16  137 90  354
Aug 0 23 22  158  119  397
Sep 0 11 18  167 92  442
Source: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
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