Statistics Norway

Oil activities - investment statistics

2   Accrued investment costs for oil and gas exploration, by cost category. Q 4 2002-Q 4 2004. NOK million
  2002 2003 2004
  Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4
Exploration costs, total  966  869 1 303 1 282  681  918 1 060  754 1 276
Exploration drilling  657  290 1 027  940  194  346  593  192  732
General Exploration  129  114  108  142  246 92  187  309  278
Field evaluation/field development 85 60 77  103  176  124  187  173  127
Administration and other costs 95  405 90 97 65  356 93 80  139

Explanation of symbols