Statistics Norway

5   Accrued investment costs for oil and gas exploration, by cost category. 1995-2004. NOK Million
  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Exploration costs, total 4 647 5 456 8 300 7 577 4 992 5 272 6 815 4 476 4 134 4 010
General Exploration  683 1 207  991 1 164  584  608  776  730  610  866
Geology/geophysics  378  505  488  474  344  269  352  289  255  341
Seismic  273  644  407  554  153  289  349  377  274  413
Special studies 33 58 96  136 87 50 75 64 81  112
Field evaluation/field development  768  431  626  933  540  631  903  303  416  612
Field evaluation  320  348  338  502  325  140  481  281  278  503
Field development  446 81  284  403  213  489  422 23  138 99
Industrial tecnology development 0 - - 8 0 1 -1 1 0 0
Environmental studies 1 1 3 20 1 1 1 -1 0 9
Administration and other costs 1 068 1 096 1 337 1 282 1 144  923  690  733  657  669
License administration  287  239  291  335  250  126 -3  132 82  117
Other administration  294  281  444  369  346  307  259  180  334  341
Area fee  464  455  562  550  529  476  412  406  224  189
Nifo/Nofo 22  121 40 29 18 15 22 16 17 23
Exploration drilling 2 128 2 721 5 346 4 198 2 725 3 110 4 448 2 709 2 451 1 863
Drilling rigs  742  995 2 149 1 872 1 374 1 089 2 062  934  924  498
Hire of drilling rigs  631  851 1 908 1 459 1 197  955 1 804  955  910  442
Other drilling costs  112  144  242  413  176  134  258 -21 14 56
Transport costs  206  282  615  409  212  265  435  169  259  118
Helicopters and airplanes 56 53  102 93 39 68 88 36 64 29
Vessels  150  229  512  317  173  197  347  134  195 90
Commodities  368  413  669  474  329  327  456  198  249  200
Lines, wellheads, drill bits etc.  129  181  291  148  127 92  211 75  106  101
Cement 35 35 60 48 30 20 30 18 31 22
Drilling mud 95  106  205 87 61 71 79 38 45 32
Fuel 36 61 61 34 32 90 72 55 51 36
Use of machinery and equipment 62 40 57  132 54 37 59 13 9 8
Smaller equipment 11 -10 -5 26 24 18 5 0 6 1
Technical services  812 1 031 1 913 1 443  811 1 433 1 495 1 408 1 018 1 047
Clearing 52 90  100 17 21 26 50 14 79 50
Cement services 17 21 46 43 22 20 37 39 33 13
Drilling mud services 54 71 78 59 43 25 59 27 99 32
Logging  102  113  239  166  132  143  180  124  139 66
Testing 98  175 90  140 67 15 96 32 19 3
Diving 18 27 39 41 23 21 50 38 30 20
Costs on onshore bases 61 4  106 87 9  136  128 68 38 62
Other tecnical services  409  531 1 216  890  494 1 046  895 1 067  583  802
Source: Investment statistics, oil and gas. Statistics Norway.
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