Statistics Norway

19   Accrued investment costs for production drilling, by cost category. Field development and fields on stream. Q1 2003 - Q12005. NOK Million
  2003 2004 2005
  Q 2 Q3 Q4 Q 1 Q 2 Q3 Q4 Q 1 Q 2
Field development                  
Production drilling, total 1 134  816  740  892 1 050  715 1 021  941 1 169
Drilling rigs  276 96  175  254  198  199  310  283  322
Hire of drilling rigs  194 92  147  232  170  113  275  261  281
Other costs 82 4 28 22 28 86 35 22 41
Transportation costs 56 27 50 52 45 40 56  112 92
Helicopters and airplanes 17 13 21 23 22 17 23 41 24
Vessels 39 13 29 29 23 23 32 71 67
Commodities  158  157  139  155  103  145  165  198  248
Lines, wellheads, drill bits etc. 92  126  105  102 73 60 70  145  145
Cement 5 8 10 17 7 16 19 4 16
Drilling mud 27 11 14 17 12 56 45 13 56
Fuel 8 8 9 11 6 11 27 31 27
Use of machinery and equipment 17 2 0 7 3 1 2 2 2
Smaller equipment 8 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2
Services  643  537  377  432  703  331  491  348  508
Clearing 13 44 15 16 16 21  164 -256 5
Cement services 5 4 9 18 13 24 12 11 19
Drilling mud services 1 2 5 35 17 14 47 8 21
Logging 70 10 16 32 30 37 40 24 62
Testing 0 0 - - - - - 0 0
Diving -1 2 6 16 4 14 15 17 23
Costs of onshore bases 13 6 17 13 17 27 10 19 14
Other technical services  543  469  309  302  607  195  203  524  364
Fields on stream                  
Production drilling, total 3 935 4 421 4 732 4 406 4 103 4 225 4 943 5 200 5 699
Drilling rigs 1 009  932 1 162  810  902 1 025 1 180 1 009 1 404
Hire of drilling rigs  838  702  898  598  764  827  839  822 1 206
Other costs  171  230  264  212  138  198  341  187  199
Transportation costs  240  248  342  279  309  285  457  466  467
Helicopters and airplanes 76 87  123 95  112 98  127  139  133
Vessels  164  161  219  184  197  186  330  326  334
Commodities  756 1 016 1 119  896  879  996  998 1 103 1 311
Lines, wellheads, drill bits etc.  396  584  494  497  468  530  544  504  676
Cement 29 37 55 37 45 80 1 53 58
Drilling mud  186  170  255  176  181  188  218  237  283
Fuel 34 32 37 35 40 34 50 65 59
Use of machinery and equipment 82  146  158 73  100 82 91  148  142
Smaller equipment 29 48  119 77 44 82 93 95 93
Services 1 931 2 225 2 109 2 421 2 014 1 919 2 308 2 622 2 517
Clearing 4 12 92 5  114 31 40 21 61
Cement services 52 46 43 73 40 49 56 61 63
Drilling mud services 91 91  100 81 83 78 97 71  137
Logging  342  259  397  320  269  315  291  278  380
Testing 11 5 5 3 10 16 13 4 13
Diving 34 31 39 32 35 36 42 43 41
Costs of onshore bases  106 48 12 84 92 25 2 77 89
Other technical services 1 292 1 733 1 422 1 824 1 370 1 368 1 768 2 068 1 733
Source: Investment statistics, oil and gas. Statistics Norway.
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