Statistics Norway

Oil activities - investment statistics

7   Accrued investment costs for oil and gas exploration, by cost category. Q2 2003 - Q3 2005. NOK million
  2003 2004 2005
  Q 2 Q3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q3
Exploration costs, total 1 303 1 282  681  918 1 062  754 1 276 1 452 1 924 1 856
Exploration drilling 1 027  940  194  346  594  192  732  852 1 272  848
Drilling rigs  322  416  103 86  190 11  210  259  309  383
Hire of drilling rigs  288  390  114 87  176 8  171  251  305  366
Other drilling costs 34 27 -12 0 14 3 39 8 4 17
Transportation costs 79  104 37 32 41 6 40 66  152  102
Helicopters and airplanes 26 24 6 7 9 1 11 18 34 26
Vessels 53 81 31 25 32 4 28 48  118 77
Commodities  104  100 12 35 61 38 66 99  126  134
Liner, wellheads, drill bits etc. 52 41 -1 17 36 18 29 30 28 67
Cement 15 6 5 4 6 6 6 2 10 10
Drilling mud 18 18 4 7 5 12 8 24 24 20
Fuel 15 30 1 6 12 0 19 21 31 23
Use of machinery and equipment 2 5 1 1 2 2 3 21 34 15
Smaller equipment 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Technical services  522  319 42  193  302  137  416  428  686  228
Clearing -2 27 16 11 20 14 4 10 14 19
Cement services 11 12 5 2 6 -1 5 6 9 11
Drilling mud services 47 37 6 5 14 -6 19 23 25 22
Logging 61 29 42 21 20 14 10 27 42 19
Testing 0 6 12 1 0 0 2 6 10 7
Diving 8 11 4 6 5 2 6 7 12 17
Costs of onshore bases 9 12 6 4 22 10 26 15 20 12
Other technical services  388  184 -49  142  213  104  343  334  554  122
General Exploration  108  142  246 92  187  309  278  125  389  499
Geology/geophysics 57 55 65 60 96 78  107 90  105 90
Seismic 31 76  161 17 64  216  116 14  270  390
Special studies 20 11 20 14 27 16 55 21 15 19
Field evaluation/field development 77  103  176  124  188  173  127 74  133  201
Administration and other costs 90 97 65  356 94 80  139  402  130  308
Licence administration 34 23 18 34 23 29 54 43 36 38
Other administration 52 64 39  159 59 49 74  176 78  260
Area fee 5 10 8  164 11 3 11  183 16 9
Source: Investment statistics, oil and gas. Statistics Norway.
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