Statistics Norway

Oil activities - investment statistics

15   Commodity and service costs1. Field development. 2000-2005. NOK million
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
Total 17 833 13 527 13 897 12 239 1 881 1 983 2 614 2 807 3 063 3 570 3 755
Contacts on construction 12 409 10 694 9 384 7 048 38  846 1 065  999 1 097  935  770
Platform structures, steel  559  899  735 9 2 - - - - - -
Platform structures, concrete - 83 - - - - - - - - -
Productionship/ship for storage 39  116 1 387 3 064 -901  104  245  271  390 -17  142
Shaft equipment - - - - - - - - - - -
Riser  724  160  463  196 71 43 58 28 20 66 -9
Decks  615 2 221 2 066  851  365  189 83 2 1  157  145
Modules 7 011 5 219 3 400 1 353  328  166  258  187  177 62 38
Loading buoys  157 - - - - - - - - - -
Sub sea installations 3 304 1 997 1 333 1 575  173  344  420  511  510  667  454
Operators own expenditure on equipment  642  583  597  934  514  404  399  622  335  758  832
Services 4 782 2 250 3 916 4 257 1 329  733 1 150 1 186 1 630 1 877 2 153
Engineering  353 98  189  538 1 206  181  242  311  683  637  995
Hook up onshore 96  401  427  311 -29 7 10 39 49 6 14
Services offshore 2 248  506 1 187 1 638 79  283  535  258  231  398  589
Other Services 2 086 1 263 2 114 1 770 74  263  362  578  667  836  554
1  Costs related to production drilling and preparations in advance of production are not included.
Source: Investment statistics, oil and gas. Statistics Norway.
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