Statistics Norway

Oil activities - investment statistics

18   Commodity and service costs1. Field development. 2001-2006. NOK Million.
  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
  Q1 Q2 Q3
Total 13 527 13 897 12 239 9 285 13 722 2 568 3 703 5 309
Contacts on construction 10 694 9 384 7 048 2 948 3 774 1 019 1 272 1 476
Platform structures, steel  899  735 9 2 - - - -
Platform structures, concrete 83 - - - - - - -
Productionship/ship for storage  116 1 387 3 064 -281  625 84  188 25
Shaft equipment - - - - - - - -
Riser  160  463  196  199 76 1 17 11
Decks 2 221 2 066  851  639  492  327  434  340
Modules 5 219 3 400 1 353  940  431  195  197  222
Loading buoys - - - - - - - -
Sub sea installations 1 997 1 333 1 575 1 449 2 150  412  437  877
Operators own expenditure on equipment  583  597  934 1 939 2 473  236  805 1 702
Services 2 250 3 916 4 257 4 398 7 475 1 312 1 625 2 132
Engineering 98  189  538 1 940 3 264  535  444  760
Hook up onshore  401  427  311 28 94 75 6 68
Services offshore  506 1 187 1 638 1 154 1 630  267  715  772
Other Services 1 263 2 114 1 770 1 277 2 487  435  461  532
1  Costs related to production drilling and preparations in advance of production are not included.
Source: Investment statistics, oil and gas. Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols