2   Financial highlights for licensees on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, included the state´s direct financial interest. 1997 and 1998
Key figures1 All licensees Of this the state's direct financial interest
1997 1998 1997 1998
Number of enterprises 42 40 1 1
Employees as of 31 Dec. 24 517 26 503 - -
  Mill. NOK
Operating income 264 279 205 732 76 023 57 599
Operating profit 109 420 58 413 45 422 25 329
Financial items, net -10 025 -5 504 -43 -43
Profit before extraord. items 99 395 52 909 45 379 25 220
Profit before taxes 103 134 50 911 45 379 25 220
Annual profit 65 988 37 769 45 379 25 220
Current assets 53 101 50 437 8 463 5 873
Fixed assets 385 446 430 060 122 229 135 192
Short-term liabilities 73 156 68 656 7 468 6 970
Long-term liabilities 156 491 187 930 1 057 1 540
Equity 208 899 223 910 122 167 132 555
Total liabilities and equity 438 547 480 497 130 692 141 065
  Per cent
Return on total assets 24,5 12,9 . .
Return on equity 30,3 18,3 . .
Equity ratio 47,6 46,6 . .
Current ratio 0,73 0,74 . .
1  Key figures per 31 December.

Explanation of symbols