Statistics Norway

4   Principal figures for transport via pipelines. 1998-2003. NOK million
  1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Gross value of production2 15 123 15 311 15 481 20 733 120 140 19 029
Of this            
Value og goods produced on own accounts2 15 123 15 311 15 409 20 717 119 775 18 647
Intermediate consumption 1 166 1 351 1 438 1 264 1 775 1 963
Of this            
Pipelines in production 1 166 1 351 1 388 1 226 1 754 1 944
Value added2 13 957 13 960 14 043 19 468 118 364 17 066
CO2-royalties  131 57 14 3 9 20
Value added at factor price2 13 825 13 903 14 029 19 465 118 355 17 046
Accrued investments 8 387 4 693  691 2 177 1 076 2 896
1  The figure was corrected 10 November 2005.
2  The value includes some production at terminals at the continent. This represents a figure estimatet up to NOK 2 billion.

Explanation of symbols