Statistics Norway


13   Camping sites. Guest nights, by type of accommodation and month. 2004
  Number of
seasonal contracts
Guest nights
  Total Seasonal contract Tent/caravan Camper Hut
January 7 101  116 268 56 421 12 444  373 47 030
February 6 910  147 702 65 454 12 358 1 096 68 794
March 7 730  156 209 69 744 9 688 1 356 75 422
April 9 327  274 188  139 579 44 085 5 329 85 195
May 19 429  568 547  300 503  100 250 28 954  138 840
June 22 550 1 267 821  453 955  301 260  149 435  363 171
July 22 329 2 731 703  864 711  884 890  262 285  719 817
August 23 115 1 598 768  486 500  476 726  156 491  479 051

Explanation of symbols