Statistics Norway


13   Camping sites. Guest nights, by type of accommodation and month. 2007
  Number of seasonal contracts Guest nights
  Total Seasonal contract Tent/caravan Camper Hut
January 9 556  158 804 68 160 20 679 1 165 68 800
February 9 612  177 075 80 468 12 400 1 697 82 510
March 9 763  215 707 94 264 16 496 2 072  102 875
April 12 563  345 469  199 760 30 443 9 081  106 185
May 23 241  667 353  328 861  123 732 44 353  170 407
June 25 949 1 411 521  511 217  322 223  196 519  381 562
July 25 845 2 713 794  882 224  784 324  340 047  707 199

Explanation of symbols