Statistics Norway


2 Hotels and similar establishments. Guest nights, by nationality of the guests. January-February and February. 2008 and 2009
  January - February Change in per cent February Change in per cent
  2008 2009 2008 2009
Total 2 635 375 2 388 453 -9 1 435 241 1 277 362 -11
Norway 2 000 511 1 814 846 -9 1 081 324  960 645 -11
Foreign countries, total  634 864  573 607 -10  353 917  316 717 -11
Sweden 94 720 92 733 -2 49 022 48 999 0
Denmark  209 122  202 505 -3  132 710  118 422 -11
Finland 7 599 6 217 -18 3 454 3 056 -12
Iceland 2 875 1 278 -56 1 114  666 -40
United Kingdom 86 730 68 421 -21 50 342 39 704 -21
Netherlands 28 224 27 704 -2 18 801 19 472 4
Germany 52 424 44 921 -14 24 914 23 469 -6
France 10 524 9 639 -8 4 918 5 679 15
Spain 7 168 4 030 -44 3 896 2 169 -44
Switzerland 3 618 3 502 -3 1 769 2 069 17
Liechtenstein  134  136 1 81 67 -17
Italy 8 011 6 433 -20 4 074 3 053 -25
Austria 1 739 2 274 31  860 1 274 48
Belgium 3 054 2 514 -18 1 876 1 615 -14
Portugal  983 1 378 40  572  977 71
Greece  890  728 -18  366  382 4
Ireland 4 105 5 383 31 2 314 3 662 58
Luxembourg  335  197 -41  186  151 -19
Turkey  805  802 0  448  339 -24
Poland 19 474 14 239 -27 10 194 7 431 -27
Czech Republic 2 051 1 927 -6  802  715 -11
Slovakia  598  395 -34  169  243 44
Hungary 1 353  963 -29  368  287 -22
Estonia 2 406 1 959 -19 1 101  636 -42
Latvia 1 562  701 -55  683  221 -68
Lithuania 1 414  761 -46  927  261 -72
Cyprus 85 90 6 42 43 2
Malta 64 85 33 36 46 28
Slovenia  582  142 -76  104 87 -16
Ukraine  413  946  129  210  531  153
Russia 14 757 13 726 -7 3 089 2 457 -20
Other European countries n.e.s. 21 070 16 767 -20 10 324 8 075 -22
United States 18 449 17 969 -3 9 793 9 047 -8
Canada 2 007 1 642 -18 1 123  937 -17
Mexico  609  528 -13  338  262 -22
Brazil 1 098  777 -29  504  494 -2
Other South or Central American countries 1 078 1 136 5  549  620 13
Australia 1 661 1 671 1  709  707 0
Other Oceanic countries or territories  802  822 2  522  479 -8
Japan 4 496 3 744 -17 2 717 2 050 -25
People's Republic of China 2 360 1 958 -17  924  954 3
Republic of Korea 1 525  629 -59  778  295 -62
Other Asian countries 9 424 7 298 -23 4 986 3 643 -27
South Africa  522  250 -52  256  144 -44
Other African countries 1 944 1 687 -13  952  827 -13

Explanation of symbols