Statistics Norway

Accommodation on Svalbard

1 Hotels and similar establishments, Svalbard. Number of open establishments, beds and rooms, by month. 2010-2011
  Establishments Rooms Beds
  2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
January 5 5  452  452  190  190
February 7 6  764  623  355  280
March 7 7  776  776  357  357
April 7 7  770  770  356  356
May 7 7  770  810  356  374
June 7 -  758 -  354 -
July 7 -  776 -  357 -
August 7 -  742 -  351 -
September 7 -  757 -  353 -
October 6 -  619 -  279 -
November 5 -  456 -  191 -
December 5 -  472 -  194 -

Explanation of symbols