Statistics Norway

Accommodation on Svalbard

2 Guest nights, by month, year and nationality of the guests. 2011 and 2012
  2011 2012
Total 12 563 11 700
Norway 9 284 7 771
Foreign countries, total 3 279 3 929
Sweden  324  343
Denmark  153  182
Finland 60 76
Iceland 8 27
United Kingdom  352  318
Netherlands  230  240
Germany  791  780
France  176  310
Spain 94 90
Switzerland  190  259
Liechtenstein - -
Italy  168  153
Austria 54 50
Belgium 28 55
Portugal 3 -
Greece - 14
Ireland 1 2
Luxembourg - 9
Turkey 2 29
Poland 3  125
Czech Republic 29 77
Slovakia 2 4
Hungary - 8
Estonia - -
Latvia 7 -
Lithuania - -
Cyprus - 1
Malta - 8
Slovenia - 6
Ukraine 3 2
Russia 58 54
Other European countries n.e.s. 10 28
United States  162  186
Canada 4 56
Mexico - 11
Brazil 4 5
Other South or Central American countries - -
Australia 88  110
Other Oceanic countries or territories 10 15
Japan 40 46
People's Republic of China  108  134
Republic of Korea 35 34
Other Asian countries 75 12
South Africa 3 14
Other African countries 4 56

Explanation of symbols