Statistics Norway

Political parties, funding

1 Funding of political parties, by source of income and political party. 2009
  Total Christian
Liberal Party Socialist Left Party Labour Party Progress Party Conservative Party Centre Party Red
Source of income, total  522 119 706 44 201 813 30 005 203 44 473 900  173 127 990 85 733 913 88 371 360 40 435 132 9 544 723
Government subsidy, total  368 328 524 29 680 678 21 696 228 31 250 013  120 382 320 70 969 874 56 531 860 27 371 598 6 409 546
Central government subsidy  312 364 616 23 485 571 19 162 526 26 783 581 98 572 231 64 919 973 48 145 097 22 108 335 5 516 167
Municipal/county subsidy 48 482 755 5 241 826 1 563 468 4 277 099 18 554 816 5 309 517 8 016 555 4 745 065  418 890
Other government subsidy 7 481 153  953 281  970 234  189 333 3 255 273  740 384  370 208  518 198  474 489
Own business, total  100 420 689 10 754 688 7 271 815 7 742 808 33 222 374 5 430 631 23 523 529 8 937 195 1 798 758
Membership fee 25 332 044 2 895 481 2 756 733 2 155 046 3 097 723 2 376 360 4 963 187 5 556 282  649 486
Income from lotteries and similar 21 407 485 1 516 439 3 054 396 58 276 10 267 183  865 697 3 441 061 1 098 550  455 013
Capital income 22 595 230 1 210 744  352 720  478 913 9 189 842 1 016 058 9 875 414  209 623  173 091
Business activity 20 247 400 1 940 975  861 066 5 004 504 9 525 974  483 882  351 798 1 815 432  177 821
Other income from own business 10 838 530 3 191 049  246 900 46 069 1 141 652  688 634 4 892 069  257 308  343 347
Contributions from others, total 36 788 047  291 500  390 529 3 092 081 18 847 985 5 192 429 4 874 288 3 900 000  189 235
Contributions from commercial enterprises 11 414 403  119 000  267 234 20 000 50 000 5 192 429 4 842 740  923 000 -
Contributions from employers' and labour organizations 24 149 858 - - 3 063 706 18 323 152 - - 2 763 000 -
Contributions from other organizations 1 068 786 22 500  123 295 8 375  474 833 - 31 548  209 000  189 235
Contributions from others  155 000  150 000 - - - - - 5 000 -
Private contributions 16 582 446 3 474 947  646 631 2 388 998  675 311 4 140 979 3 441 683  226 339 1 147 184
  Total Democratic Party The Liberal People's Party Coast Party The Pensioners' Party The Greens Christian Coalition Party Communist Party of Norway Sami People's Party
Source of income, total  522 119 706  716 740  117 020 1 793 120 1 880 326  775 805  466 314  476 347 -
Government subsidy, total  368 328 524  212 272 16 034 1 652 184 1 457 830  383 817  294 409 19 861 -
Central government subsidy  312 364 616  212 272 16 034 1 652 184 1 178 821  304 304  294 409 13 111 -
Municipal/county subsidy 48 482 755 - - -  276 006 79 513 - - -
Other government subsidy 7 481 153 - - - 3 003 - - 6 750 -
Own business, total  100 420 689  501 568 45 088  140 936  395 366  231 747 21 150  403 036 -
Membership fee 25 332 044 66 056 45 048  140 436  326 707  147 949 21 150  134 400 -
Income from lotteries and similar 21 407 485  435 512 -  500 32 658 - -  182 200 -
Capital income 22 595 230 - 40 - 32 001 4 012 - 52 772 -
Business activity 20 247 400 - - - - 71 028 - 14 920 -
Other income from own business 10 838 530 - - - 4 000 8 758 - 18 744 -
Contributions from others, total 36 788 047 - - - - - - 10 000 -
Contributions from commercial enterprises 11 414 403 - - - - - - - -
Contributions from employers' and labour organizations 24 149 858 - - - - - - - -
Contributions from other organizations 1 068 786 - - - - - - 10 000 -
Contributions from others  155 000 - - - - - - - -
Private contributions 16 582 446 2 900 55 898 - 27 130  160 241  150 755 43 450 -

Explanation of symbols