Statistics Norway

Primary physician service, municipal expenses

2   Gross expenditure per physician man-years1, by size of municipality
  Gross expenditure per physician man-years (excl. private physicians without contract.
NOK 1 000
Indeks totalt snitt = 100
  2002 1999 2002 1999
Totalt1  814  702  100  100
0-1 999 1 476 1 162  181  165
2 000-4 999 1 321  942  162  134
5 000-9 999  943  765  116  109
10 000-19 999  753  661 93 94
20 000-29 999  692  590 85 84
30 000-49 999  711  640 87 91
50 000+*  647  624 79 89
1  Total expenditure is a weighed average.
Source: Source: Municipal health and care services 2002, Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols