Statistics Norway

Primary physician service, municipal expenses

4   Total national expenditure to primary physician service per inhabitant. 2002
               Municipal net expenditure Governmental grants for mandatory physicians National Insurance Administration2 Total national expenditure to the primary physician service Municipal share Governmental share National Insurance Administration, share
Total1 610 14 426 1 050 58 % 1 % 41 %
0-1 999 1 677 59 295 2 031 83 % 3 % 14 %
2 000-4 999 1 099 40 382 1 521 72 % 3 % 25 %
5 000-9 999 704 19 434 1 157 61 % 2 % 37 %
10 000-19 999 538 10 421 969 56 % 1 % 43 %
20 000-29 999 455 9 420 884 51 % 1 % 48 %
30 000-49 999 424 6 405 835 51 % 1 % 48 %
50000 473 5 458 936 50 % 1 % 49 %
1  Total expenditure is a weighed average.
2  Folketrygdens utgifter inkluderer her ikke refusjoner av egenandeler pga. frikort. Årsaken er at den ikke er inkludert i tallene fra 1999.

Explanation of symbols