Statistics Norway

Purchasing power survey

2   Purchasing power survey 2002. Purchasing power parities, price level indices and volume indices for GDP. Preliminary results
  Purchasing power parity1 Price level index (EU15=100) GDP per capita, price level adjusted (EU15=100)
EU member countries 1.000  100  100
Belgium 0.982 98  107
Denmark 9.367  126  113
Finland 1.098  110  102
France 0.987 99  105
Greece 0.757 76 71
Ireland 1.097  110  125
Italy 0.918 92 98
Luxembourg 1.105  110  189
Netherlands 1.027  103  111
Portugal 0.733 73 71
Spain 0.829 83 86
United Kingdom 0.682  108  107
Sweden 10.44  114  105
Germany 1.068  107  100
Austria 1.016  102  111
EFTA member countries2      
Iceland  103.2  120  109
Norway 10.21  136  136
Switzerland 2.068  141  114
EU acceding countries      
Estonia 8.230 53 40
Cyprus 0.472 82 76
Latvia 0.265 46 35
Lithuania 1.554 45 39
Malta 0.274 67 69
Poland 2.037 53 41
Slovakia 17.99 42 47
Slovenia  159.3 70 69
Czech Republic 15.86 51 62
Hungary  128.3 53 53
EU candidate countries      
Bulgaria 0.646 33 26
Romania 10 914 35 27
Turkey  668 848 46 25
1  The purchasing power parity expresses how many currency units that are needed in country A in order to maintain the purchasing power of one currency unit in country B. For instance, the purchasing power of EUR 1.- in the EU15 corresponds to the purchasing power of EUR 1.098 in Finland, GBP 0.682 in United Kingdom and NOK 10.21 in Norway.
2  Excluding Liechtenstein.
Source: Source: Statistics in Focus, Eurostat.

Explanation of symbols