Statistics Norway

Accounting statistics for other financial enterprises and activities auxiliary to financial enterprises

1   Selected accounting figures. Profit/loss statement. Other financial enterprises. 2002-2004. NOK million
  2002 2003 2004
Operating income  681  635 1 112
Revenue  416  193  251
Special government taxes 0 0 0
Government subsidies 8 0 3
Income from rent, real property and other income 0 5 1
Profit on disposal (sales etc.) of fixed assets 0 0 0
Other operating income  257  436  857
Operating expenses 1 971 1 477  851
Raw materials and consumables used  162 72 38
Payroll expense  216  182  197
Depreciation and write-downs  762 73 43
Other operating expenses  830 1 150  572
Operating profit -1 289 -842  261
Financial income 1 095 1 350 1 804
Financial costs 3 100 2 300 1 302
Operating profit before tax -3 294 -1 793  764
Tax -172 -19  371
Net ordinary profit -3 122 -1 774  393
Extraordinary items 3 1 -2
Net profit -3 119 -1 773  391

Explanation of symbols