Statistics Norway

Accounting statistics for other financial enterprises and activities auxiliary to financial enterprises

3   Selected accounting figures. Profit/loss statement. Activities auxiliary to financial enterprises. 2002-2005. NOK million
  2002 2003 2004 2005
Operating income 6 838 10 186 12 869 16 711
Revenue 3 365 6 116 6 216 7 736
Special government taxes 0 0 0 0
Government subsidies 0 0 4 1
Unspecified income 1 8 12 36
Income from rent, real property and other income 14 14 17 15
Other rental income 5 2 5 6
Commission  904 1 606 2 457 4 206
Profit on disposal (sales etc.) of fixed assets 1 5 8 15
Other operating income 2 548 2 435 4 151 4 696
Operating expenses 5 528 7 549 9 566 12 621
Raw materials and consumables used  161  226  329  712
Payroll expense 2 063 2 948 4 612 6 399
Depreciation and write-downs  256  524  593  550
Other operating expenses 3 047 3 850 4 033 4 960
Operating profit 1 310 2 638 3 303 4 091
Financial income 1 466 3 755 2 540 6 386
Financial costs 1 818  411  935 1 540
Operating profit before tax  958 5 982 4 908 8 936
Tax  172  471  954 1 796
Net ordinary profit  786 5 511 3 955 7 140
Extraordinary items 5 0 -11 14
  0 0 0 0
Net profit  791 5 512 3 944 7 154

Explanation of symbols