Statistics Norway

Accounts statistics. Annual reports for non-financial limited companies

2   Selected accounting figures for limited companies. Balance sheet at 31 December. NOK million
Balance sheet at 31 December 20031 2004
Fixed assets 2 802 462 3 117 978
Intangible fixed assets  136 862  119 420
Tangible fixed assets 1 150 512 1 224 504
Buildings and land  581 775  625 493
Machinery, equipment and vehicles  209 372  267 420
Ship, rigs, aircrafts etc.  143 196  141 898
Movables, furnitures, tools etc.  216 170  189 694
Financial fixed assets 1 515 080 1 774 053
Investments in subsiduaries, other group companies or associated companies  915 214 1 097 194
Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures  355 257  352 772
Other financial fixed assets  244 609  324 087
Unspecified fixed assets 9 -
Current assets 1 186 916 1 345 005
Inventories  152 445  164 162
Debtors  685 881  783 284
Accounts receivables  242 998  274 312
Other debtors  442 883  508 972
Investments 81 607  105 224
Cash and bank deposits etc.  266 952  292 335
Unspecified current assets 31 -
Total assets 3 989 378 4 462 984
Equity 1 448 533 1 642 863
Invested equity  878 089 1 100 085
Share capital  441 975  590 924
Share premium reserve  436 114  509 161
Retained earnings  570 443  542 778
Liabilities 2 540 845 2 820 121
Provisions  235 357  250 382
Other long-term liabilities 1 214 158 1 306 086
Liabilities to financial institutions  372 280  426 721
Long-term liabilities to group companies  352 024  361 793
Other long-term liabilities  489 855  517 571
Short-term liabilities 1 091 331 1 263 653
Trade creditors  171 836  182 601
Public duties and payable tax  134 198  155 414
Short-term liabilities to group companies  288 322  309 057
Other short-term liabilities  496 975  616 582
Total equity and liabilities 3 989 378 4 462 984
Number of enterprises  137 389  140 553
1  Adjusted figures.

Explanation of symbols