Statistics Norway

Accounts statistics. Key figures for listed enterprises

1   Key figures for listed enterprises
  Number of enterprises Operating profit margin 1 Operating margin 2 Equity ratio 3
    Per cent
1. quarter 2002  151 10.5 9.4 35.4
2. quarter 2002  150 10.8 14.6 36.0
3. quarter 2002  152 5.8 2.8 35.7
4. quarter 2002  147 7.8 5.6 35.0
1. quarter 2003  141 12.7 11.1 35.0
2. quarter 2003  135 9.6 5.7 36.2
3. quarter 2003  133 13.0 13.3 36.3
4. quarter 2003  131 10.4 11.1 37.4
1. quarter 2004  133 16.2 16.4 38.1
2. quarter 2004  137 14.0 13.7 38.8
3. quarter 2004  137 413.7 414.5 438.1
1  Operating profit in per cent of operating income.
2  Operating result before tax in per cent of operating income.
3  Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities.
4  Adjusted figures 30 March 2005.

Explanation of symbols