Statistics Norway

Accounting statistics for non-financial foundations

1 Selected accounting figures for non-financial foundations. 2008-2010. NOK million
  2008 2009 2010
Income statment      
Operating income 30 636 33 747 35 846
Operating expenses 30 690 31 407 32 513
Payroll expense 12 380 12 728 13 175
Operating profit -54 2 340 3 333
Financial items, net -1 537  536 -27
Operating result before tax -1 591 2 876 3 304
Net profit -1 789 2 782 3 458
Balance sheet      
Fixed assets 38 487 39 670 44 721
Intangible fixed assets  122  130  493
Tangible fixed assets 28 371 29 106 31 654
Financial fixed assets 9 995 10 437 12 575
Current assets 33 452 35 540 39 212
Inventories  346  347  488
Debtors 3 369 3 663 3 859
Securities and other financial current assets 14 213 16 431 18 746
Cash and bank deposits 14 213 16 431 18 746
Total assets 71 916 75 187 83 923
Equity 45 653 48 295 55 793
Liabilities 26 278 26 907 28 140
Provisions 1 659 1 718 1 744
Long-term liabilities 16 719 17 363 17 796
Short-term liabilities 7 901 7 827 8 601
Equities and liabilities 71 912 75 184 83 924
Key figures      
Equity ratio in per cent 1 63.5 64.2 66.5
Current ratio 2 4.23 4.54 4.56
Number om enterprises 8 055 7 685 7 579
1  Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31. December.
2  Current assets at 31. December in proportion to short-term liabilities at 31. December.

Explanation of symbols