Statistics Norway

Accounts statistics for non-financial limited companies

2 Selected accounting figures. Balance sheet at 2008-2010. NOK million
  2008 2009 2010*
Fixed assets 5 598 381 5 814 029 6 564 040
Intangible fixed assets  199 130  207 263  277 871
Tangible fixed assets 1 822 685 1 939 168 2 199 666
Buildings, Land and other real property 1 081 359 1 136 975 :
Plant under construction  142 039  155 258 :
Veicles, machinery and equipment  204 225  222 248 :
Ship, rigs, aircrafts, helicopters etc.  224 978  252 679 :
Office machines etc. 15 666 13 252 :
Other fixed assets  154 418  158 757 :
Financial fixed assets 3 576 566 3 667 597 4 086 502
Investments in group companies/subsidiaries 2 245 074 2 340 233 :
Investments in associated companies  183 380  183 646 :
Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures  781 591  735 219 :
Investments in shares, security funds and bonds  252 245  247 895 :
Other receivables  114 277  160 604 :
Current assets 2 622 098 2 421 421 2 691 328
Inventories  285 594  266 030  249 804
Debtors 1 588 192 1 379 393 1 571 153
Accounts receivable from customers and earned, not invoiced operating income  493 131  473 021  467 905
Other receivables from group companies  882 155  678 803 :
Other short term receivables  212 906  227 569 :
Securities and other financial current assets  196 931  230 482  247 052
Cash and bank deposits  551 381  545 517  623 319
TOTAL ASSETS 8 220 479 8 235 449 9 255 368
Equity 3 082 368 3 380 647 3 782 595
Invested equity 1 816 476 1 962 465 2 155 508
Share capital  639 052  666 820  692 630
Share premium reserve etc. 1 177 423 1 295 645 1 056 788
Retained earnings 1 265 892 1 418 182 1 627 087
Fund for assessment differences 83 687 24 280 :
Other equity 1 405 377 1 593 091 :
Uncovered losses  223 172  199 189 :
Liabilities 5 138 111 4 854 802 5 472 773
Provisions  356 312  386 111  440 461
Other long-term liabilities 2 404 049 2 427 763 2 583 442
Convertible loans and bond loans  223 938  213 125 :
Liabilities to financial institutions  881 179  896 370  933 014
Long-term liabilities to group companies 1 000 345 1 010 530  798 479
Other long term liabilities  298 587  307 738 :
Short-term liabilities 2 377 751 2 040 928 2 448 870
Convertible loans and certificate loans 39 088 31 191 :
Bank overdraft  152 298  134 417 :
Trade creditors  329 478  302 718  344 773
Unpaid indirect taxes and payable tax  231 172  187 185  310 106
Provisions for dividend  137 755  114 442 :
Advances from customers 58 343 46 534 :
Short-term liabilities to group companies  955 423  798 604  789 095
Accrued, not due wages and salaries 63 984 64 472 :
Other short-term liabilities  410 210  361 364 :
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 8 220 479 8 235 449 9 255 368
Number of enterprises  200 006  199 665  195 487

Explanation of symbols