Statistics Norway

Sami statistics

1 Population at 1 January, births, deaths and migration. STN area1 total
  Population at 1 January Live births2 Deaths Birth surplus Immigrants3 Emigrants3 Net immigration Population growth4
  Total Males Females         Total Per cent
1990 45 630 23 848 21 782  646  540  106 1 607 1 783 -176 -204 -0.4
1995 44 663 23 260 21 403  613  523 90 1 539 2 048 -509 -562 -1.3
2000 41 626 21 614 20 012  511  468 43 1 777 2 195 -418 -339 -0.8
2001 41 287 21 421 19 866  453  446 7 1 874 1 933 -59 -269 -0.7
2002 41 018 21 268 19 750  449  474 -25 1 593 1 880 -287 -229 -0.6
2003 40 789 21 166 19 623  393  451 -58 1 474 1 706 -232 -503 -1.2
2004 40 286 20 906 19 380  404  458 -54 1 542 1 739 -197 -342 -0.8
2005 39 944 20 721 19 223  409  415 -6 1 471 1 820 -349 -375 -0.9
2006 39 569 20 521 19 048  408  421 -13 1 460 1 953 -493 -464 -1.2
2007 39 105 20 329 18 776  392  459 -67 1 596 1 795 -199 -286 -0.7
2008 38 819 20 164 18 655  370  405 -35 1 456 1 650 -194 -351 -0.9
2009 38 468 19 946 18 522  376  431 -55 1 557 1 704 -147 -269 -0.7
2010 38 199 19 824 18 375  334  428 -94 1 626 1 776 -150 -307 -0.8
2011 37 892 19 727 18 165 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1  The area of activity of the Sami Parliament subsidy schemes for business development (STN). Based on the definition of the STN area per 1 January 2011.
2  Live births include all foetuses which show signs of life at the time of birth.
3  Migration to/from other localities in Norway and abroad.
4  Population growth is calculated as the difference between the population at 1 January in the year in question and that at 1 January in the following year. Due to the recording routines employed and variations in the quality of migration data for basic statistical units in individual municipalities, there will be differences from the birth-death+immigration-emigration figures. At municipal level, these differences will be small, but may be significant for some individual municipalities, such as in the statistics for the STN areas.
Source: Population statistics, Statistics Norway.

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