Tax return account statistics

17   Main entries from the tax return for resident receivers of social security benefit, by sex. Receivers of the minimum benfit and receivers of supplementary pension. Average in kroner. 2000
  Total All persons Males Females
  Total Receivers of supplementary pension Receivers of the minimum benefit Total Receivers of supplementary pension Receivers of the minimum benefit Total Receivers of supplementary pension Receivers of the minimum benefit
Gross income, total 164 200 193 100 101 400 201 200 210 300 117 000 139 300 173 700 99 200
Wages and salaries 13 600 17 800 4 600 12 600 13 300 6 100 14 300 22 800 4 300
Total pension 126 900 145 900 85 400 153 100 159 800 91 300 109 200 130 200 84 600
Of which                  
Social security benefits 103 800 115 500 78 500 123 200 127 500 83 400 90 700 101 900 77 700
Private pensions and life insurance benefits 23 100 30 500 7 000 30 000 32 400 8 000 18 400 28 300 6 900
Net entrepreneurial income 3 000 3 800 1 200 5 700 5 800 4 000 1 200 1 600 700
Total capital income 20 100 24 800 9 800 29 300 30 900 15 200 13 900 18 000 9 100
Interest received 9 100 10 400 6 200 11 200 11 500 8 900 7 700 9 300 5 800
Share dividends received, foreign received dividend included 2 900 4 000 600 5 200 5 700 600 1 400 2 000 600
Realised capital gains of shares 2 800 3 700 700 5 100 5 500 1 300 1 200 1 700 600
Other capital income 5 300 6 700 2 300 7 800 8 200 4 400 3 600 5 000 2 000
Deductions, total 35 500 41 500 22 600 43 000 44 800 26 400 30 500 37 700 22 100
Minimum deductions 27 500 31 000 19 800 30 800 31 900 21 000 25 200 30 000 19 600
Entrepreneurial deficit, incl. previous year's deficit 1 200 1 700 300 2 500 2 700 800 400 500 200
Interest paid 5 400 6 900 2 000 7 400 7 900 3 000 4 000 5 800 1 900
Other deductions 1 500 1 900 500 2 300 2 300 1 700 900 1 400 400
Ordinary income 128 700 151 700 78 800 158 200 165 600 90 600 108 800 136 000 77 100
-Special deduction for age etc. 14 800 15 000 14 500 15 000 15 000 15 400 14 700 15 000 14 400
Total real capital 140 200 177 000 60 300 202 500 214 300 94 200 98 200 134 700 55 400
Real properties 120 000 149 700 55 300 165 500 174 800 80 300 89 300 121 400 51 700
Of which                  
Property of dwelling 76 600 96 200 34 000 106 600 113 200 46 000 56 300 76 900 32 300
Production capital and other properties 2 300 2 900 900 4 700 4 600 4 800 600 900 400
House contents and movables 18 000 24 400 4 100 32 400 34 900 9 000 8 300 12 500 3 400
Total gross financial capital 260 700 303 000 168 700 340 300 350 200 250 200 207 000 249 700 157 000
Bank deposits 176 800 195 300 136 800 210 100 211 700 195 200 154 400 176 600 128 400
Other claims and other properties 83 900 107 700 31 900 130 200 138 400 55 000 52 600 73 100 28 600
Total gross property 400 900 479 900 229 000 542 900 564 500 344 300 305 100 384 400 212 400
Debt 80 600 103 000 32 000 114 000 120 400 55 300 58 100 83 300 28 700
Net property 320 300 377 000 197 000 428 900 444 100 289 000 247 000 301 200 183 800
Number of recipients of social security 906 445 620 997 285 448 365 235 329 362 35 873 541 210 291 635 249 575
Source: Tax Return Statistics 2000.

Explanation of symbols