Statistics Norway

Tax statistics for personal taxpayers

1 Survey of tax assessment, residents 17 years and older. 2009-2010 NOK million, number of persons and average
  2009 2010
  NOK Million NOK Million Number of people Average for those with amount Average
Basis for surtax on gross income 1 246 301 1 302 078 3 717 077  350 300  336 400
Ordinary income after special deduction1  952 100 1 012 056 3 741 596  270 500  261 500
Personal income from pension  218 875  232 765 1 148 836  202 600 60 100
Personal income from wages and salaries  963 861 1 002 991 2 884 736  347 700  259 200
Personal income from agriculture/forestry/fishing 10 814 11 975 57 419  208 600 3 100
Personal income from other industry 50 968 52 458  193 975  270 400 13 600
Municipal wealth tax 7 446 7 598  613 063 12 400 2 000
County and municipal income tax  124 004  132 164 3 436 851 38 500 34 200
State wealth tax 4 250 4 339  612 444 7 100 1 100
Surtax of gross income 18 129 18 941  872 926 21 700 4 900
Community tax  100 726  107 355 3 436 478 31 200 27 700
Membership contribution to the national insurance 87 644 91 336 3 568 101 25 600 23 600
Delay duty 39 64 22 310 2 900 0
Additional tax  192 88 3 310 26 600 0
Finnmark deduction  696  731 63 626 11 500  200
Deduction for home investment savings2  694  755  304 133 2 500  200
Tax limitation 6 303 6 893  600 473 11 500 1 800
Deduction for foreign tax 1 245 1 367 14 169 96 500  400
Tax deduction for received dividends 39  126 1 070  117 900 0
Assessed taxes3  333 577  352 195 3 489 553  100 900 91 000
Number of residents 17 years and older 3 813 425 3 870 146      
1  Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2  Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people(BSU).
3  Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amounts are stated by gross amount, that is before deductions and reductions.

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