Statistics Norway

Tax accounts statistics

1 Tax accounts. Distributed taxes, tax revenues by type. January-February. 2008, 2009 and 2010. NOK million [Corrected 19 March 2010 at 1550]
  2008 2009 2010 Change in per cent
  2008-2009 2009-2010
Distributed taxes, total 87 089  126 745  112 389 45.5 -11.3
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 13 856 14 475 14 912 4.5 3.0
Taxes to county municipalities (incl. Oslo) 2 2 836 2 955 2 890 4.2 -2.2
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 1 20 796 22 391 21 778 7.7 -2.7
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 10 201 11 135 11 430 9.2 2.7
Tax equalization contribution to central government 35 908 37 287 36 174 3.8 -3.0
Ordinary taxes to central government 3 055 3 306 3 847 8.2 16.4
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum  107 13 021 8 161 12 069.6 -37.3
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum -87 22 141 13 126 . -40.7
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders  418 34 72 -91.8  110.4
Advance tax arrangement 62 373 66 817 66 553 7.1 -0.4
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 13 097 13 693 14 349 4.5 4.8
Taxes to county municipalities (incl. Oslo) 2 2 700 2 809 2 785 4.0 -0.9
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 20 796 22 391 21 778 7.7 -2.7
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 10 179 11 122 11 420 9.3 2.7
Tax equalization tax, central government 12 879 14 199 13 275 10.3 -6.5
Ordinary taxes to central government 2 304 2 568 2 875 11.5 12.0
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders  418 34 72 -91.8  110.4
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement 24 619 359 879 45 799 3143.2 3-23.5
Ordinary taxes to municipalities  732  767  553 4.8 -27.9
Taxes to county municipalities (incl. Oslo) 2  126  140  100 10.9 -28.6
Tax equalization tax to central government 23 003 23 075 22 890 0.3 -0.8
Ordinary taxes to central government  739  735  970 -0.5 31.9
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum  107 13 021 8 161 12 069.6 -37.3
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum -87 22 141 13 126 . -40.7
Supplementary assessment and tax on profit by sale of shares etc. 5 - - - -
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, municipalities - - - - -
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme - - - - -
Ordinary taxes to central government 5 - - - -
Interest and tax collecting costs etc. 93 50 37 -46.6 -24.8
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 27 16 11 -42.4 -31.4
Taxes to county municipalities (incl. Oslo) 2 10 6 5 -39.5 -16.0
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 . . . . .
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 22 13 10 -43.1 -21.3
Tax equalization tax to central government 25 12 9 -50.3 -27.6
Ordinary taxes to central government 8 3 3 -61.1 -11.2
1  Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
2  Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county municipal taxes.
3  Corrected 19 March 2010 at 1550.

Explanation of symbols