Statistics Norway

Tax accounts statistics

1 Tax accounts. Distributed taxes, tax revenues, by type. January-June. 2009, 2010 and 2011. NOK million
  2009 2010 2011 Change in per cent
  2009-2010 2010-2011
Distributed taxes, total  391 788  373 306  408 819 -4.7 9.5
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 56 982 59 006 58 085 3.6 -1.6
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 11 214 11 516 12 118 2.7 5.2
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 1 60 942 61 158 64 842 0.4 6.0
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 44 392 45 264 49 591 2.0 9.6
Tax equalization contribution to central government  103 994  116 058  124 126 11.6 7.0
Ordinary taxes to central government 13 956 13 367 12 224 -4.2 -8.6
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 37 014 25 594 33 108 -30.9 29.4
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 63 188 41 169 54 297 -34.8 31.9
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders  107  175  429 63.1  146.0
Advance tax arrangement  236 920  240 849  255 446 1.7 6.1
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 55 833 58 053 56 655 4.0 -2.4
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 11 001 11 337 11 840 3.1 4.4
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 60 942 61 158 64 842 0.4 6.0
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 44 550 45 429 49 525 2.0 9.0
Tax equalization contribution to central government 53 581 54 066 61 214 0.9 13.2
Ordinary taxes to central government 10 907 10 632 10 940 -2.5 2.9
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders  107  175  429 63.1  146.0
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement  155 488  133 101  153 092 -14.4 15.0
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 1 340 1 163 1 340 -13.2 15.2
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2  243  211  243 -13.2 15.2
Tax equalization contribution to central government 50 623 62 191 62 849 22.9 1.1
Ordinary taxes to central government 3 079 2 772 1 256 -10.0 -54.7
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 37 014 25 594 33 108 -30.9 29.4
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 63 188 41 169 54 297 -34.8 31.9
Interest and tax collecting costs etc. -620 -644  281 : :
Ordinary taxes to municipalities -191 -210 90 : :
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 -30 -32 35 : :
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 - - 0 : :
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme -157 -165 66 : :
Tax equalization contribution to central government -211 -200 63 : :
Ordinary taxes to central government -30 -37 28 : :
1  Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
2  Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county taxes.

Explanation of symbols