Statistics Norway

Tax accounts statistics

1 Tax accounts. Distributed taxes, tax revenues, by type. January-August. 2009, 2010 and 2011. NOK million
  2009 2010 2011 Change in per cent
  2009-2010 2010-2011
Distributed taxes, total  480 657  471 429  520 838 -1.9 10.5
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 70 559 73 156 71 507 3.7 -2.3
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 13 859 14 286 15 022 3.1 5.2
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 1 83 208 83 635 88 556 0.5 5.9
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 55 199 56 367 61 982 2.1 10.0
Tax equalization contribution to central government  116 750  129 504  139 914 10.9 8.0
Ordinary taxes to central government 16 715 16 023 14 994 -4.1 -6.4
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 45 715 37 024 48 052 -19.0 29.8
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 77 367 59 917 78 780 -22.6 31.5
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders 1 285 1 519 2 031 18.2 33.7
Advance tax arrangement  302 749  308 508  327 555 1.9 6.2
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 69 400 72 191 70 040 4.0 -3.0
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 13 642 14 102 14 732 3.4 4.5
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 83 208 83 635 88 556 0.5 5.9
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 55 355 56 525 61 889 2.1 9.5
Tax equalization contribution to central government 66 208 67 295 76 605 1.6 13.8
Ordinary taxes to central government 13 651 13 242 13 701 -3.0 3.5
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders 1 285 1 519 2 031 18.2 33.7
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement  178 524  163 538  192 892 -8.4 17.9
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 1 350 1 167 1 343 -13.5 15.0
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2  245  212  244 -13.6 15.0
Tax equalization contribution to central government 50 755 62 402 63 219 22.9 1.3
Ordinary taxes to central government 3 091 2 816 1 254 -8.9 -55.5
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 45 715 37 024 48 052 -19.0 29.8
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 77 367 59 917 78 780 -22.6 31.5
Interest and tax collecting costs etc. -616 -617  392 : :
Ordinary taxes to municipalities -191 -202  124 : :
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 -28 -28 46 : :
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 - - 0 : :
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme -156 -158 93 : :
Tax equalization contribution to central government -212 -194 90 : :
Ordinary taxes to central government -28 -35 39 : :
1  Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
2  Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county taxes.

Explanation of symbols