Statistics Norway

Tax accounts statistics

1 Tax accounts. Distributed taxes, tax revenues by type. January - September. 2010, 2011 and 2012. NOK million
  2010 2011 2012 Change in per cent
  2010-2011 2011-2012
Distributed taxes, total  551 114  607 995  659 795 10.3 8.5
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 92 797 90 209 96 114 -2.8 6.5
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 18 126 19 073 20 475 5.2 7.3
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 1  102 329  108 490  115 469 6.0 6.4
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 71 730 79 266 84 603 10.5 6.7
Tax equalization contribution to central government  147 899  161 268  166 288 9.0 3.1
Ordinary taxes to central government 19 628 18 813 24 106 -4.2 28.1
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 37 060 48 811 56 632 31.7 16.0
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 59 976 80 024 93 404 33.4 16.7
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders 1 568 2 042 2 705 30.2 32.4
Advance tax arrangement  387 975  412 837  442 678 6.4 7.2
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 91 817 88 721 94 692 -3.4 6.7
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 17 937 18 777 20 192 4.7 7.5
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1  102 329  108 490  115 469 6.0 6.4
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 71 876 79 157 84 503 10.1 6.8
Tax equalization contribution to central government 85 616 98 133  106 175 14.6 8.2
Ordinary taxes to central government 16 832 17 518 18 942 4.1 8.1
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders 1 568 2 042 2 705 30.2 32.4
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement  163 708  194 702  216 669 18.9 11.3
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 1 168 1 344 1 277 15.0 -5.0
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2  212  244  232 15.0 -5.0
Tax equalization contribution to central government 62 464 63 028 60 016 0.9 -4.8
Ordinary taxes to central government 2 828 1 251 5 108 -55.8  308.4
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 37 060 48 811 56 632 31.7 16.0
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 59 976 80 024 93 404 33.4 16.7
Interest and tax collecting costs etc. -569  456  449 : :
Ordinary taxes to municipalities -187  144  145 : :
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 -23 52 51 : :
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 - - - : :
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme -146  109  100 : :
Tax equalization contribution to central government -181  106 96 : :
Ordinary taxes to central government -31 44 57 : :
1  Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
2  Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county taxes.

Explanation of symbols