Statistics Norway

Tax accounts statistics

1 Tax accounts. Distributed taxes, tax revenues, by type. January-December. 2010, 2011 and 2012. NOK million
  2010 2011 2012 Change in per cent
  2010-2011 2011-2012
Distributed taxes, total  704 964  797 800  849 622 13.2 6.5
Ordinary taxes to municipalities  115 697  111 966  119 658 -3.2 6.9
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 22 529 23 553 25 520 4.5 8.4
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 1  122 580  130 038  138 793 6.1 6.7
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 90 478 99 908  103 216 10.4 3.3
Tax equalization contribution to central government  174 450  194 636  201 126 11.6 3.3
Ordinary taxes to central government 21 998 29 599 29 899 34.6 1.0
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 59 249 78 243 85 803 32.1 9.7
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 96 360  127 693  142 868 32.5 11.9
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders 1 623 2 163 2 738 33.2 26.6
Advance tax arrangement  479 087  510 605  545 793 6.6 6.9
Ordinary taxes to municipalities  114 749  110 489  118 135 -3.7 6.9
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 22 340 23 250 25 209 4.1 8.4
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1  122 580  130 038  138 793 6.1 6.7
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme 90 743 99 789  103 087 10.0 3.3
Tax equalization contribution to central government  106 664  122 188  132 897 14.6 8.8
Ordinary taxes to central government 20 388 22 690 24 935 11.3 9.9
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders 1 623 2 163 2 738 33.2 26.6
Non-personal taxpaying arrangement  226 827  286 680  303 270 26.4 5.8
Ordinary taxes to municipalities 1 316 1 321 1 344 0.3 1.8
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2  240  239  246 -0.3 2.8
Tax equalization contribution to central government 68 045 72 333 68 115 6.3 -5.8
Ordinary taxes to central government 1 617 6 851 4 895  323.8 -28.6
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum 59 249 78 243 85 803 32.1 9.7
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum 96 360  127 693  142 868 32.5 11.9
Interest and tax collecting costs etc. -950  514  559 : :
Ordinary taxes to municipalities -369  157  179 : :
Taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo) 2 -50 64 66 : :
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme1 - - - : :
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme -265  119  129 : :
Tax equalization contribution to central government -259  116  115 : :
Ordinary taxes to central government -7 58 70 : :
1  Calculated employer contributions for civil servants are not included.
2  Starting from April 1999, taxes for Oslo has been divided between municipal and county taxes.

Explanation of symbols