4   Taxpayers with tax reduction according to the 80 percent rule, by net wealth. 2001
Net wealth state Kroner Number of taxpayers with reduction Average reduction according to the 80 percent rule Kroner Part of total reduction Percent Average net wealth 1 000 kroner
Total 9 548 33 700  100.0 7 309
Under 300 000 3 603  600 0.7  142
300 000 - 599 999 1 587 2 600 1.3  427
600 000 - 1 199 999 1 366 6 100 2.6  855
1 200 000 - 1 999 999  709 9 800 2.2 1 537
2 000 000 - 2 999 999  438 14 400 2.0 2 453
3 000 000 - 3 999 999  292 18 600 1.7 3 447
4 000 000 - 4 999 999  189 23 500 1.4 4 487
5 000 000 - 5 999 999  147 27 500 1.3 5 518
6 000 000 - 6 999 999  111 32 000 1.1 6 462
7 000 000 - 7 999 999 87 37 000 1.0 7 441
8 000 000 - 8 999 999 74 41 900 1.0 8 564
9 000 000 - 9 999 999 58 46 500 0.8 9 510
10 000 000 and over  887  301 400 83.1 67 703

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