Statistics Norway

Tax statistics. Tax assessment

2   Survey of tax assessment for employees and pensioners. The whole country. 2003. NOK million
Basis for Surtax on Gross Income  666 096
Share dividends received 20 989
Ordinary income after special deduction1  518 859
Personal income pension  135 082
Personal income wages  528 174
Personal income from industry 2 462
Net wealth  562 140
County wealth tax 3 183
County income tax 69 896
State wealth tax 1 369
State income tax2 9 546
Community tax 50 614
Membership contribution to the national insurance 45 222
Finnmark deduction  461
Home investment savings for young people (BSU)3  340
Tax reduction according to the 65/80 per cent rule4 99
Tax limitation according to paragraph 17 3 431
Deduction for foreign services 47
Tax deduction for received dividends 5 864
Assessed taxes5  169 577
1  Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2  From 1992 surtax is the main income tax to the state. In addition ordinary income tax to the state is calculated for certain taxpayers, mainly persons lliving abroad.
3  Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people (BSU).
4  Tax reduction according to the 80 per cent rule was introduced in 1998.
5  Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amount are stated by gross amount, that means before deductions and reductions.

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