Statistics Norway

Tax statistics. Tax assessment

3   Tax settlement for employees and pensioners. Refundable tax or back tax1 due by age. The whole country. 2003
  Refundable Tax Back Tax
Age Number of taxpayers Refundable Tax.
NOK million
Average Refundable Tax Number of taxpayers Back Tax.
NOK million
Average Back Tax
Total 2 094 309 15 292 7 300  474 443 3 297 7 000
17-24 years  279 296 1 570 5 600 44 107  176 4 000
25-34 years  392 199 3 540 9 000 95 660  641 6 700
35-44 years  336 113 2 785 8 300  125 983  968 7 700
45-54 years  301 976 2 279 7 500  102 120  744 7 300
55-66 years  312 554 2 314 7 400 71 874  552 7 700
67-79 years  296 271 1 816 6 100 23 432  152 6 500
80 years and above  175 900  988 5 600 11 267 65 5 800
1  Payment of back tax after April 30 in year of assessment.

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