Statistics Norway

Tax statistics. Tax assessment

3   Refundable tax or back tax due, bye age. 2003
Age Refundable Tax Back Tax
Number of persons Refundable tax. NOK million Average refundable tax Number of persons Back tax. NOK million Average back tax
Total 2 529 765 22 703 9 000  730 103 11 426 15 700
Below 17 år 9 884 19 1 900 2 026 3 1 400
17-24 years  289 066 1 728 6 000 50 982  318 6 200
25-34 years  461 809 4 541 9 800  141 695 2 045 14 400
35-44 years  436 497 4 500 10 300  199 259 3 491 17 500
45-54 years  406 560 4 243 10 400  168 817 3 135 18 600
55-66 years  407 845 4 146 10 200  120 422 1 962 16 300
67-79 years  332 912 2 408 7 200 33 580  362 10 800
80 years and above  185 192 1 118 6 000 13 322  110 8 200

Explanation of symbols