Statistics Norway

Tax statistics, personal taxpayers

3   Refundable tax or back tax due, by age. 2004
Age Refundable tax Back tax
Number of people Refundable tax.
NOK million
Average refundable tax Number of people Back tax.
NOK million
Average back tax
Total 2 598 743 22 824 8 800  703 612 12 194 17 300
Below 25 years  301 907 1 764 5 800 49 684  303 6 100
25-34 years  474 380 4 593 9 700  124 698 1 990 16 000
35-44 years  461 515 4 703 10 200  189 401 3 714 19 600
45-54 years  421 012 4 309 10 200  163 711 3 373 20 600
55-66 years  427 026 4 220 9 900  124 340 2 258 18 200
67-79 years  327 768 2 266 6 900 35 889  423 11 800
80 years and above  185 135  969 5 200 15 889  134 8 400

Explanation of symbols