Statistics Norway

Tax statistics, personal taxpayers

1 Survey of tax assessment. Whole country. 2006-2007. Preliminary figures
  2006 2007
  NOK million Number of persons NOK million Number of persons Average
Basis for Surtax on Gross Income  786 735 3 003 182  874 366 3 136 045  278 800
Ordinary income after special deduction1  588 796 2 971 517  658 604 3 111 223  211 700
Personal income pension  157 325  982 737  169 131 1 008 630  167 700
Personal income wages  626 055 2 300 599  701 858 2 438 612  287 800
Personal income from industry 2 750 24 379 3 085 26 761  115 300
County wealth tax 3 622  815 694 4 281  832 342 5 100
County income tax 78 762 2 690 127 81 826 2 800 846 29 200
State wealth tax 1 689  812 040 2 059  827 758 2 500
Surtax on Gross Income 7 922  534 100 10 709  645 329 16 600
Community tax 57 371 2 689 676 71 426 2 800 700 25 500
Membership contribution to the national insurance 53 447 2 813 772 59 557 2 897 995 20 600
Tax deduction 5 383  750 821 5 844  776 531 7 525
Of this:          
Finnmark deduction  492 51 768  512 51 898 9 900
Home investment savings2  393  215 661  430  234 264 1 800
Tax reduction of wealth tax  333 7 696  335 9 013 37 200
Tax limitation 4 018  479 257 4 467  487 738 9 200
Deduction for foreign services  131 6 416 99 5 146 19 300
Tax deduction for received dividends 65 5 562 47 3 348 14 200
Assessed taxes3  197 433 2 749 717  224 019 2 832 994 79 100
1  Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2  Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people (BSU).
3  Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amount are stated by gross amount, that means before deductions and reductions.

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