Statistics Norway

Tax statistics for personal taxpayers, tax settlement

1 Survey of tax assessment. 2006-2007
  2006 2007
  NOK million NOK million Number of persons Average
Basis for surtax on gross income 1 025 057 1 123 557 3 814 260  294 600
Ordinary income after special deduction1  800 993  882 266 3 783 113  233 200
Personal income pension  181 820  194 986 1 156 143  168 700
Personal income wages  781 011  862 028 2 938 619  293 300
Personal income from agriculture/forestry/fishing 10 436 11 274 63 431  177 700
Personal income other industry2 47 231 50 752  197 173  257 400
County wealth tax 6 569 7 829 1 095 095 7 100
County income tax  108 835  111 300 3 436 212 32 400
State wealth tax 3 220 3 941 1 078 771 3 700
Surtax on gross income 13 122 16 830  877 609 19 200
Community tax 79 271 97 150 3 435 815 28 300
Membership contribution to the national insurance 71 775 78 713 3 535 046 22 300
Delay duty 54 47 18 682 2 500
Additional tax  435  299 12 195 24 500
Finnmark deduction  662  685 66 531 10 300
Deduction for home investment savings3  441  480  257 359 1 900
Reduction of wealth tax  827 1 024 14 643 69 900
Tax limitation 4 435 4 830  527 411 9 200
Deduction for foreign services  942 1 247 16 952 73 600
Tax deduction for received dividends  187  109 4 319 25 300
Assessed taxes4  276 320  308 294 3 513 409 87 700
1  Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2  From 2000 personal income from family-kindergarten is included in other industry. This was earlier included in personal income from agriculture/forestry and fishing.
3  Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people (BSU).
4  Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amounts are stated by gross amount, that is before deductions and reductions.

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