Statistics Norway

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports

3 Norwegian vessels1, 2 at foreign ports, by maritime coastal area. 2011
  Ships registered in Norway Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR)
  Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage
All coastal areas 27 395  620 425 573 21 189  546 176 332 6 206 74 249 241
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway 6 702 84 506 991 4 319 33 178 172 2 383 51 328 819
North Cont Europe 3 531 55 991 388 2 815 52 101 449  716 3 889 939
UK/Eire 3 822 31 924 836 2 001 22 534 347 1 821 9 390 489
Iberian Atlantic  463 13 554 925  436 13 404 175 27  150 750
South Europe  716 27 520 977  682 27 220 585 34  300 392
Black Sea  171 4 672 261  161 4 615 820 10 56 441
East Mediterranean  114 4 198 248  105 4 126 206 9 72 042
North Africa  516 10 624 241  311 9 831 177  205  793 064
West Africa  351 11 586 487  283 11 302 961 68  283 526
South and East Africa  349 12 318 834  332 12 190 014 17  128 820
Red Sea  149 7 135 706  147 7 100 124 2 35 582
Persian Gulf  704 20 455 818  687 19 978 603 17  477 215
Indian Sub Continent  272 8 963 209  265 8 835 086 7  128 123
Far East - Asia 1 124 32 181 794  961 30 450 672  163 1 731 122
Far East - China Sea 1 657 64 047 177 1 586 62 664 702 71 1 382 475
Japan  656 31 925 812  651 31 805 126 5  120 686
Australasia  773 24 064 767  643 23 184 605  130  880 162
North America - Pacific  385 13 831 032  384 13 798 582 1 32 450
South America - Pacific  198 8 357 783  195 8 340 498 3 17 285
South America - Atlantic 1 727 47 451 209 1 353 45 994 100  374 1 457 109
Caribbean  449 17 045 504  424 16 950 708 25 94 796
Central America  419 16 378 455  391 16 005 697 28  372 758
US Gulf 1 333 36 599 327 1 266 35 720 879 67  878 448
US Atlantic  753 33 632 082  740 33 474 084 13  157 998
Great Lakes - Canada 61 1 456 710 51 1 367 960 10 88 750
Unknown - - - - - -
1  Vessels registered in Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) and Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR).
2  Includes only ships of 1 000 gross tonnage and above.
Source: Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit.

Explanation of symbols