Statistics Norway

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports

6 Norwegian vessels1, 2 at foreign ports, by coastal area and selected vessel types. 2011
  Tanker Bulk vessel General cargo/other dry cargo vessel
  Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage
All coastal areas 24 861  623 827 708 5 036  147 990 268 37 013  468 505 493
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway 3 538 39 654 164  430 3 101 386 6 776 29 246 114
North Cont Europe 3 860 55 478 485  319 9 682 160 4 056 55 827 808
UK/Eire 2 304 45 712 281  126 3 052 610 2 727 22 536 787
Iberian Atlantic  759 19 844 251 71 1 825 759 1 401 15 232 477
South Europe  802 25 294 531  303 7 707 063 1 185 23 533 642
Black Sea  193 6 313 625 54 1 876 604  333 3 513 532
East Mediterranean 77 2 383 860 49 1 242 001  139 3 196 209
North Africa  381 12 739 347 95 4 085 981  419 3 309 935
West Africa  326 24 867 374 47 1 483 656  357 7 098 181
South and East Africa  217 5 150 092 85 2 620 640  234 11 366 603
Red Sea  129 8 340 543 38  960 016  132 4 050 767
Persian Gulf  944 39 012 335  304 10 428 935  217 7 982 765
Indian Sub Continent  259 8 213 789  154 4 455 953 50 1 772 954
Far East - Asia 1 389 47 447 432  363 13 814 787  432 17 051 930
Far East - China Sea 1 214 32 308 260  590 26 190 008 1 441 57 521 821
Japan  169 6 776 085  113 4 315 249  890 40 957 063
Australasia  163 3 515 180  305 12 273 989  398 24 235 523
North America - Pacific  109 5 709 511  100 3 210 867  411 13 818 056
South America - Pacific  133 7 993 719 37 1 406 697  288 7 620 192
South America - Atlantic 1 562 68 895 960  261 9 577 368  837 21 869 345
Caribbean  563 19 653 312  101 1 576 846  410 6 926 819
Central America  251 6 926 543 90 3 077 707  423 14 878 881
US Gulf 1 768 55 927 162  175 7 313 697  372 9 083 391
US Atlantic  334 11 199 974  116 5 582 290  633 30 135 120
Great Lakes - Canada 90 5 552 171 97 2 824 315 27  547 465
Unknown - - - - - -
1  Norwegian registered and Norwegian controlled foreign registered vessels.
2  Includes only ships of 1 000 gross tonnage and above.
Source: Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit.

Explanation of symbols