Statistics Norway

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports

7 Vessels registered in NIS1, 2 at foreign ports, by coastal area and selected vessel types. 2011
  Tanker Bulk vessel General cargo/other dry cargo vessel
  Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage
All coastal areas 10 380  236 763 127 1 744 68 160 518 8 565  243 423 970
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway 1 968 20 039 366 65 1 459 762 2 244 11 316 774
North Cont Europe 1 663 19 580 646  104 6 229 111  879 25 641 356
UK/Eire  862 9 745 709 42 2 209 807  443 8 153 468
Iberian Atlantic  244 9 414 785 21  923 140  119 2 386 618
South Europe  309 12 444 325  115 5 395 672  227 9 114 746
Black Sea 79 3 341 304 29  954 353 22  228 527
East Mediterranean 36 1 109 548 18  653 566 41 2 295 038
North Africa  176 5 061 961 66 3 749 298 63  984 307
West Africa  108 6 637 578 27  877 224  102 3 617 836
South and East Africa  138 3 138 284 33  968 531  139 7 970 523
Red Sea 67 3 354 634 21  650 231 57 3 054 827
Persian Gulf  503 11 898 038 59 1 853 990  115 6 132 640
Indian Sub Continent  128 4 131 397  110 3 506 172 22 1 148 982
Far East - Asia  443 15 121 638  205 6 555 608  141 7 826 167
Far East - China Sea  438 14 274 529  299 10 779 466  841 37 443 980
Japan 62 2 289 981 69 2 175 379  520 27 339 766
Australasia 56 1 921 708 80 2 579 003  282 17 869 744
North America - Pacific 57 1 911 804 52 1 601 182  273 10 279 044
South America - Pacific 74 3 179 141 12  360 168  102 4 740 678
South America - Atlantic  738 31 859 263 87 4 058 873  233 8 494 207
Caribbean  247 12 318 236 4  172 781  156 4 429 506
Central America 94 3 144 578 35 1 252 926  249 11 552 978
US Gulf  903 23 596 061  122 5 749 839  181 5 861 997
US Atlantic  245 8 113 700 48 2 932 429  446 22 424 020
Great Lakes - Canada 31  970 326 15  231 956 4  158 506
Unknown - - - - - -
1  Vessels registered in Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS).
2  Includes only ships of 1 000 gross tonnage and above.
Source: Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit.

Explanation of symbols