Statistics Norway

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports

8 Vessels registered in NOR 1, 2 at foreign ports, by coastal area and selected vessel types. 2011
  Tanker Bulk vessel General cargo/other dry cargo vessel
  Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage Port calls Arrived grosstonnage
All coastal areas 1 417 18 316 491  340 1 627 247 5 516 9 938 386
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway 76 1 076 308 - -  275  448 295
North Cont Europe 48 2 137 580 - - 86  185 662
UK/Eire 40 2 532 266 42 52 792 62  137 029
Iberian Atlantic - - - - - -
South Europe 4 63 250 - - - -
Black Sea - - 1 32 450 - -
East Mediterranean - - 1 32 450 - -
North Africa - - - - - -
West Africa 1 28 246 1 32 837 - -
South and East Africa 2 56 492 - - - -
Red Sea - - 1 32 450 - -
Persian Gulf 14  410 822 2 64 900 1 1 493
Indian Sub Continent 5 91 763 1 32 450 - -
Far East - Asia 88 1 191 151 4  130 961 - -
Far East - China Sea 35  821 828 10  326 830 - -
Japan 2 23 336 3 97 350 - -
Australasia - - - - - -
North America - Pacific - - 1 32 450 - -
South America - Pacific - - - - 1 1 513
South America - Atlantic 1 28 246 - - - -
Caribbean 1 28 246 - - 2 17 525
Central America 3 84 738 4  130 578 3 26 286
US Gulf 28  409 594 7  227 928 - -
US Atlantic 4 79 828 - - - -
Great Lakes - Canada - - - - - -
Unknown - - - - - -
1  Vessels registered in Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR).
2  Includes only ships of 1 000 gross tonnage and above].
Source: Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit.

Explanation of symbols