2   Commercial rundwood removals, by assortment and buyer group. 19991. 1 000 m³
  Total Spruce Pine Broad-leaved
Total 7 708 6 045 1 561 102
Assortment group        
Special timber, coniferous 56 3 53 .
Saw logs, coniferous 4 046 3 149 898 .
Special timber and saw logs, broad leaved 11 . . 11
Unsorted saw logs and pulpwood, coniferous 161 126 36 .
pulpwood 3 403 2 764 548 91
Other roundwood, coniferous 30 3 26 .
Buyer group        
Sawmills and wood industries 4 256 3 304 941 12
Mechanical and chemical pulp industries 2 816 2 424 361 31
Fiber and particle board industries 59 12 10 37
Other Norwegian buyers 159 66 80 13
Foreign buyers 418 240 168 10
1  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols